Robin was first licensed in 1982 at the then minimum age for a UK license as G6HLG while still at school, he soon upgraded and became GM4YED which he still holds.
Like a lot of other HAM’s Robin took a hiatus from radio to attend university, build a career and a family. His work brought him to the US permanently in 1996 where he re-entered the hobby as W7YED.
Since then, he has spent time building his station on 5 acres in the greater Seattle area and raised three young Hams, (KJ7KOJ, KK7EXT, KK7KMA) one of whom will be accompanying him on this trip.
Robin recently retired as a Director of Software Development after a 30+ year career in the computer industry to pursue other interests and teach his family more about Ham radio.
Robin enjoys chasing DX and working SSB/Digital contests with his family. He was part of a team led by his son placing 2nd WW in the 2022 FT-Roundup and #2 North America in the 2022 WW-DIGI contest. They were also 1st in the 7th call area during the 2020 CQ WPX SSB Contest.
He is pursuing DXCC Honor roll with over 310 countries to date.
Robin currently has
DXCC on 8 bands
WAS on 9 Bands and he enjoys satellite operating with
VUCC (300) on satellite and over
60 DXCC countries.
This will be his first Dxpedition fulfilling a life-long dream.
Robin has traveled to several countries over the years.
He has a passion for POTA and has operated from dozens of the nation's national parks in multiple states and recently operated from GM and VE parks as well.
He is a member of IDEXA, Western Washington DX Club, Lake Washington HAM club and a Life Member of the ARRL