The S9Z São Tomé & Príncipe Dxpedition 2024

Supporting Youth & New Generations
on Amateur Radio 

N2WB – Bill Beyer

N2WB – Bill Beyer

Dxpedition member

Bill was first licensed in 1971, was on the air with 15 and 40 Meters CW.

He soon realized DX was the only way to do ham radio.

Over the years  Bill has  lived in a number of counties. While residing in Central Florida.

He is semi retired and enjoys DX, DXpeditions and World Travel.  N2WB on the Road.

DXCC entity totals are now 344
DXCC #1 Honor Roll, Honor Roll - Mixed, SSB and CW and
9 band DXCC.

Bill has traveled extensively both operating singularly and on DXpeditions.

To date he has been into 77 countries and operated from 51 of them.

He has served as Leader, co-leader or member in many expeditions over the last 53 years