The Dateline Dx Association and the S9Z Dxpedition team in the interest of bringing more young amateur radio operators into dxpeditioning decided to give a young amateur operator the opportunity to be on a dxpedition for his very first time.

Angus Alexander KJ7KOJ started playing with his siblings (KK7EXT), (KK7KMA) when he was 3 using FRS radios, and quickly moved into 3rd party contacts using 2m talking to his parents. He would also often listen to his father during SSB contests.

In the fall of 2019 while on 7th grade he was looking for something to do in the cool autumn evening and his father suggest he could attend a local Technician study held by the Lake Washington Ham Club. Five weeks later he emerged from the testing session as a Technician.

During the pandemic and with long hours Angus turned his attention to Satellites. For the next few months Angus was a regular fixture on the ISS repeater and FM birds often creating his own pileups. He really enjoyed the quickfire nature of contacts, a skill that would prove useful for his next radio adventure.

Shortly after that, he moved into HF, gaining his General license in 2020 and developed a keen interest in contesting and Dxing. He loves not only working new countries but also researching their background and culture. In 2022 he organized his own M/S entry for the FT-Roundup contest placing #2 worldwide.

As he has grown up Angus has become interested in travel and looked to ways to combine this with his hobby. He started and continues to love activating parks for POTA but now Dxpeditioning is the logical next step.
Earlier this year he upgraded to an Extra class license and activated several POTA entities in both Iceland and Scotland. Angus was also a remote operator on the recent K8R and N5J expeditions.

Angus has amassed an impressive Dx record on DXCC on 5 bands, worked over 275 countries and 1100 slots for Dx Challenge, 2nd place during WW Youth in 2022 CQ DX Marathon and 1st place in the 7th call area during the 2020 CQ WPX SSB Contest.
Angus accepted our invitation subject to him raising the funds needed to cover his travel expenses. Angus has worked hard to raise money for his trip. He has been filling, selling and delivering small bags of compost generated by the family horses to local gardening club for a small fee.

In addition he has received generous grants from the Northern California DX Foundation, The North Fulton Amateur Radio League Youth Program and personal donations from Brian Stucker KB2S, Patrick W7TMT and John Shurman AA7UJ.